october meeting news
Discussions around next years season were had. It was stressed that it is important that our members put their ideas and requests in now for the committee to review and use as many ideas as possible to put a program together that everyone could be happy with.
We also discussed the competition rules, the committee is reviewing the current rules and have taken onboard all the requests and will put together a revised list ready for the 2025 season. Look out for the newsletter to see them.
The presentation about ‘Fashion, Portraits & Closeups’ was held. We discussed a few tips around this genre, and how you can look into lots of ways to use this yourself with your own images.
Some amazing images were critiqued and reviewed, and discussions around a few videos that you could review.
Members receive a copy of the presentation in the club newsletter.
The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘Woodland Walks’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'In a Nutshell' by Val Sturman
- 2nd - 'Autumnal Walk' - by John Horton
- 3rd - 'About Change' by Val Sturman

The ‘Quarterly Competition’ entitled ‘Red’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Red Shoes' by Natalie Kinner
- 2nd - 'Berry Cold' - by Joan Banks
- 3rd - 'Red '5'' by Russ Powney

Next Meeting
Our next meeting we will be - 25th November - 19:30.
- The Monthly Competition is - 'Religious Environments'
- The Lancaster Memorial Competition is - 'Black and White'
For more details you can view our current programme here - Programme 2025