september meeting news
With the weather closing in and the darker nights are already here, we were back in for a focus point/discussion around the evenings topic of Engineering.
We welcomed some new members to the evening, introductions were made, and we discussed our normal processes for an evenings focus point.
The focus point for the evening was Engineering.
There are several ways to look at the genre of ‘Engineering’ and we explored a few of them, from close ups, wider shots, the architecture from amazing engineering, but also looking at the stories, creating atmosphere with lighting, and of course the people in the field of work.
There are great action shots to be had with this genre, and using light and composition to your advantage is definitely something you should consider.
Members receive a copy of the presentation in the club newsletter.
The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘3 Miles from Broseley’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Sunshine and Frost' by Julie Beddow
- 2nd - 'Misty Morning from Castle Walk' - by Mike Purnell
- 3rd - 'Cloudy Weather' by Ian Reece

Next Meeting
Our next meeting we will be - 28th October - 19:30.
- The Monthly Competition is - 'Woodland Walks'
- The Quarterly Competition is - 'Red'
For more details you can view our current programme here - Programme 2025