april meeting news
Quick chat about up and coming events - see the whatsapp group for details of all events that have been posted. Got straight in to the meeting as there was a lot of competition to get through.
The focus point for the evening was Landscapes. Seascapes, Cityscapes.
A few genres rolled into one presentation in the evening. The main part of this was to concentrate on composition rules, it was discussed and highly recomended that members research all the techniques discussed. Learning about the rules of composition is a great way to imporve your photography, and before you can break the rules, you need to know what they are.
There are a lot of rules that members are using without realising and they are natural and easy on the human eye, but it is still useful to learn and be mindful of, so you can look for these to add features or increase the level and appeal of your photos.
Members receive a copy of the presentation in the club newsletter.
The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘Steps and Stairs’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Seeing Double' by Julie Beddow
- 2nd - 'The sweet Smell of Spring' - by Joan Banks
- 3rd - 'Welsh Woodland Walk' by Garry Jones

The ‘Quarterly Competition’ entitled ‘Green’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Green Step' by Ian Reece
- 2nd - 'At the market' - by John Horton
- 3rd - 'Buttons,' by Val Sturman
- 3rd - 'Farm Track' by Garry Jones

Next Meeting
Our next meeting we will be - 20th May 2024 - 19:30.
- The Monthly Competition is - 'Food and Drink'
Please note the closing dates for Competition Entry is - 13th May 2024
For more details you can view our current programme here - Programme 2025