february meeting news
Good to get through a few chats about the potential club outings this year. A few were sounding good, and everyone sounded positive about getting out and about to work on their techniques and photography skills.
The focus point for the evening was Weather.
Continuing with this years theme of genres of photography, the focus point was on weather and different types. Mainly we concentrated on Lightning and Storms, but there are plenty of opportunity to practice in the UK, specifically rain. However, it was interesting to look through the tips of getting out and about, safely as possible due to the obvious dangers.
Members receive a copy of the presentation in the club newsletter.
The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘At the Station’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Not rush hour then' by Joan Banks
- 2nd - 'Down to the Buses' - by Julie Beddow
- 3rd - 'Improvised Work Station' by Ian Reece
- 3rd - 'Do you know that's dripping on my head' by Garry Jones

Next Meeting
Our next meeting we will be - 25th March 2024 - 19:30.
- The Monthly Competition is - 'Steps and Stairs'
Please note the closing dates for Competition Entry is - 11th March 2023
For more details you can view our current programme here - Programme 2025