The monthly meetings are becoming much more normal. The social side of our club was great to see, we had a great chat about the weather, other clubs, amongst other things.

We quickly got into the months focus point.


The evenings presentation was on Concert/Show Photography, a discussion about different challenges you may face should you want to try out this genre of photography. These included the venue it’s self, the different lighting challenges you may face, and how to overcome these.

Slides were given on the several tips, and what to expect. However challenging this may be, it is a type of photography that we think you should try, possibly some smaller venues, like the Eisteddfod.

Full details of this will be in the members newsletter.
Members receive a copy of the presentation in the club newsletter.

The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘Bridges & Viaducts of the UK’ was held.

The winners were:-

  • 1st - 'Straight down the middle' by Joan Banks
  • 2nd - 'Pulteney Bridge' - by Pete Anslow
  • 3rd - 'Barmouth Bridge' by Phil Simmons

'Straight down the middle' by Joan Banks

Some of these images have been cropped for a better fit for the website.


Our next meeting we will be discussing - ‘Costal Photography (Piers / Acrcages / People / Wildlife)’. Date - 24th April 2023 - 19:30.

  • The Monthly Competition is - 'Song/Music title'
  • The Quarterly Competition is - 'Winter'

For more details you can view our current programme here - Programme 2025

Members receive full details via Email and BEFORE they are posted here…