september meeting news
After what seemed to be a very long summer, it was great to see so many faces back and ready to go to get back into the club’s program. Quick catch up with each other, and it was on with the normal proceedings.
The focus point for the evening was Woodland Photography.
Now this is a subject that can take you down a very, very long rabbit hole (excusing the pun). With that said, this subject is probably the most accessible for all (most) fo our members. A lot of the tips we went over are very much the same for all the other subjects, that is to use your experience and knowledge of shutter speed, aperture for your depth of field. But most importantly… composition. this is always and primarily where we need to start training our photography eye.
Members receive a copy of the presentation in the club newsletter.
The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘Festivals’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Dancing in the rain' by John Horton
- 2nd - 'Don't mess with the WI' - by Garry Jones
- 3rd - 'Music for the people' by Joan Banks

Next Meeting
Our next meeting we will be discussing - ‘Evening Photography’. Date - 30th October 2023 - 19:30. We will be having a little walk around taking images in the dark, so please bring your camera and be ready for a colder evening.
- The Monthly Competition is - 'Fungi, Lichen & Mosses' (must be an autumn event)
- The Quarterly Competition is - 'Summer'
Please note the closing dates for Competition Entry is - 23rd October 2023
For more details you can view our current programme here - Programme 2025