We had a great meeting, discussing a subject that we haven’t had for some time. Unfortunately the Birmingham trip was a bit of a wash out, as not many members attended, and the train service was… well, not the most amazing and quite a disappointment.


The focus point for the evening was Silhouettes. We discussed some tips and things to look out for when trying out this area of photography. It’s a great genre of photography that everyone should definitely try, which you will need to for the July competition.

Members receive a copy of the presentation in the club newsletter.


The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘UK Coast’ was held.

The winners were:-

  • 1st - 'Crummock Water' by Mike Purnell
  • 2nd - 'Derwent Water' - by Mike Purnell
  • 3rd - 'Lock Tummel' by Ian Reese

'Crummock Water' by Mike Purnell

Some of these images have been cropped for a better fit for the website.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting we will be discussing - ‘Recreation Around Water’. Date - 31st July 2023 - 19:30.

  • The Monthly Competition is - 'Silhouettes'
  • The Quarterly Competition is - 'Spring'

Please note the closing dates for Competition Entry is - 16th July 2023

For more details you can view our current programme here - Programme 2024

Members receive full details via Email and BEFORE they are posted here…