february meeting news
This month’s topic was an Open Session about ‘Composition’.
Open Discussion - A lengthy discussion took place about the ‘rule of thirds’, the dynamics of an image and the balance within the image. It was emphasised that people should experiment to find their comfort zone and then by using that experience go on to try other genre and ways of taking the photograph. Close-up and long distance portrait and landscape photography were the main areas’ causing some problems as too was lighting. Lighting is likely to be discussed at a later meeting.
AGM - Although the club is presently in a sound financial position we do not have enough regular members to cover the rent. Therefore it was agreed to change the method of raising finance to an annual membership of £15.00 with a 50p fee for refreshments. These charges may change in the event of a change in the rent levied by the Birchmeadow Centre.
The annual evening out was agreed to be held at Shrewsbury – date to be confirmed. A weekend outing was also discussed and is likely to be held at Chester Zoo – date to be confirmed.
Linda resigned her position on the committee leaving two vacancies. A ballot was held - Craig Simmons and John Watkinson were elected. Congratulations to both of them.
AOB - The club has been offered a space at the Ironbridge 1940’s Re-enactment to be held in Ironbridge Park on 26th and 27th May. We have been asked to provide our own stall and are not selling any images, although a number will be on display. This is to be purely a recruitment/advertising exercise. Volunteers will be needed to attend the stall. However, having said that, we must provide proof of Public Liability Insurance, which is presently being sought. If anyone has any knowledge of or contacts within the insurance industry would they please inform either the Chairman or Secretary.
Should anyone be interested in local photographic opportunities, there will be many at the forthcoming SVR Spring Steam Gala on 16th to 18th March inclusive held along the whole line from Bridgnorth to Kidderminster.
The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘Hands’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Spades & Clubs' by Diane Picket
- 2nd - 'Holding On' by John Horton
- 3rd - 'In a Relaxed Mood' by John Horton
Please note that entries (rectangular, up to 7 x 5 ins) for the Monthly competition can be made without mounts – when needed, mounts will be available at the start of the session.
The new programme is now ready for your viewing pleasure - you can find it. HERE - PROGRAMME 2016-2017
Our next meeting will be at the Birchmeadow Centre, Broseley at 19:30 on Monday 26th February 2018.
Topic will be ‘Understanding Exposure’, so please bring your cameras for a play.
The monthly competition is entitled…
- Monthly - 'Humour'
You can view our current programme here - PROGRAMME 2016-2017