february meeting news
This month’s short presentation was on “Light”. It’s an immense subject that was summarised by considering where you are in respect of your light source and its intensity. Do you need to diffuse the light or reflect the light to gain the image you want? You also need to consider the type of subject and the degree of light it needs – is it reflective, dark, broody, pale, smooth, rough or knobbly.
The ‘Monthly Competition’ entitled ‘Mist’ was held.
The winners were:-
- 1st - 'Burn Off' by Joan Banks
- 2nd - 'Ironbridge Power Station on a Misty Morning' by Sue Poole
- 3rd - 'Inversion Layer' by John Horton
We will be discussing the Light and some tips and tricks to use to make your images stand out.
You can view our current programme here - PROGRAMME 2015-2016